If you’re looking for Hearts of Iron 4 console cheats, you’ll find some of the best and some of the weirdest right here. Mods feel free to move this if I posted in the wrong place. Hearts of Iron 4 is a strategy game that definitely hearkens back to the old days of console cheats, with commands that can do just about anything. I also wasn't sure where to post this, as there isn't a guide sub-forum yet. I would also love to hear anything you would like me to cover in part 2 of the tutorial, which will cover basic warfare. I'm certainly not an expert at HOI4, but I have spent a considerable number of hours with the game. Feel free to give feedback either on here or on YouTube, or ask any questions that you may have about the game. Sorry if I missed a couple of things, but I wanted to get the video recorded and uploaded as soon as possible today in order to help any lost new players. I also give some tips on what you should prioritize in the beginning, and what can wait until later. In this first video I cover everything you need to know in order to start playing the game, with the exception of warfare (that will be covered in another video). This guide is intended for beginning players who have no idea what to do, and is not intended to make you an expert. I created a video tutorial that will walk you through the basic parts of the game.